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About today’s session

By clicking the Home tab on the Navigation bar located at the top of the page, you can view the full schedule of today's event with complete details including titles, start times, and speaker details, so you can plan your day. You can click the ‘Watch Live’ link to jump into the current session.

You sure can!
Under the video screen you’ll see a blue button marked “Ask a question”. Click on the button and enter your questions here at any time during the event. We have Google Cloud experts standing by to help to answer questions in English and also Korean and Chinese language. Along with Google Cloud experts, anyone in the community can reply to your questions, answer them, or like them. Feel free to jump into the conversation and even answer other people’s questions as well.

Playback issues

1. Refreshing your browser
2. Check that you don't have any ad blockers or extensions that may interfere with the video playback.
3. Or if you have other too many applications or other video windows opened, try closing them.

1. Open another browser window and check that you are able to watch other YouTube videos without issue.
2. If you are not able to view other Youtube videos, it means there may be some issues with watching Youtube videos on your machine.
3. If you are able to view other Youtube videos, it may mean that your machine is not able to watch videos that are live streamed, in which case you can watch the session on demand at a later time.

See if you can force HD by clicking on the gear. Try clicking on the gear in the bottom right hand corner and change to HD

In the right hand corner of the player, you will see a settings toolbar. Click on the icon, and change the quality setting to a lower HD. Hope that helps!

Lab Access & Skills Challenge

Google Cloud Skills Challenge

Register for the Skills Challenge
Then check your inbox for a link to the landing page (via the ‘Claim Offer’ button) to start your selected skills challenge with 30 days complimentary access to Google Cloud labs available on Qwiklabs.
To start the challenge:
(If you are already signed in to Qwiklabs, you will need to sign out first)
1. Click on the Copy Code button in the landing page
2. Click on the Enroll button
3. Enter the code when prompted
4. Hit Submit
5. Sign in to Qwiklabs. Sign up in case you don't have a Qwiklabs account yet
6. You would have received your 9 credits
7. Enroll into any quest of your choice.
8. Start the first lab by clicking on the ’Start Lab’ button. Complete the lab and make sure you click on ‘End Lab’ button once you're done with the lab
9. You will receive a one month pass to continue using Qwiklabs.


Check out the Qwiklabs platform by completing the Tour of Qwiklabs lab

Google Cloud Certification

To become Google Cloud Certified, learn more here and determine the right certification for you.

On-Demand Sessions

Videos from the online event will be available on-demand within 48 hours of the digital events conclusion. Unfortunately we are not able to provide slides separately.

Contact Us

You can use the chat function on this show during live streaming and ask your questions. Our experts are on standby.

To get in touch with us after the live event has concluded, please complete this form.

Feedback / surveys

The feedback survey will be open at the end of today's session, we’d love to hear your thoughts - hopefully you can stay with us until then or join again for the later sessions.

Check the Resources tab at the top of the screen for additional content from today’s sessions and useful links.

Sign in or create account

To register for events


Sorry, you do not have permission to access this resource.

User account conflict

Sorry, the user account you are using is now linked to Google. Please sign in with Google to use this account.


You do not have permission to access this private event

We'll be right back

We are having temporary difficulties, and are working to fix the issue.

Error authenticating user

There was an error during authentication. Please refresh to try again. If this issue persists, please sign out and sign back in after reloading.

You're currently offline

Refresh the page when your connection is restored to return to the app.