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Find answers to all your questions

What is an on-demand event?

An on-demand event is typically a live event that has been recorded for replay at anytime.

Do I have to be logged in?

No, you do not need to be logged in to view this event, however it’s recommended that you sign in to get the full set of session recommendations based on your profile as well as have the ability to participate in a live Q&A.

How can I ask a question for the live Q&A?

Below the live stream, you’ll see the option to ask questions. Once you’ve logged into your account, you’ll be able to ask questions pertaining to Google Cloud Platform. You can also up-vote others’ questions should you be interested in them as well.

Will the video content be available after the webinar?

Yes, the content will be available on-demand at the same url you logged in to and registered at after the live webinar.

I can see the video but I can't hear any sound.

Please check the bottom left hand corner of the YouTube video to see if you may have accidentally muted yourself. YouTube remembers the last setting for your volume when you previously watched a Youtube video.

I can hear the sound but do not see the video OR I can't see the video.

Try refreshing or reloading the page to see if it works, or if you have other too many applications or other video windows open, try closing them. If the issue persists, open up YouTube on another browser and check if you can view other YouTube videos. If you are not able to view other Youtube videos, this means there may be some issues with watching Youtube videos on your machine. If you are able to view other Youtube videos, this may mean that your machine is not able to watch videos that are live streamed.

I have an error message "this video is not available in your country."

Unfortunately, this means that live streaming from Youtube is prohibited in your country. This is probably due to a certain state regulation that Google has to abide by. Once the live stream is complete, you should be able to return the same url to watch the on-demand version. I am seeing a restricted message or the Youtube video is restricted. https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7354993?hl=en https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/174084?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

Are you able to share the slides presented during the webinar?

Unfortunately we are not be able to share the slides but please feel free to return to the page to watch the presentation in on-demand.

The presentation slides are blurry.

Try updating the Quality settings on the Youtube controls near the bottom of the content window.

Is there a library of past events I can view?

All webinars are featured on https://cloudonair.withgoogle.com

Sign in or create account

To register for events


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User account conflict

Sorry, the user account you are using is now linked to Google. Please sign in with Google to use this account.


Sorry, you do not have permission to access this private event.

We'll be right back

We are having temporary difficulties, and are working to fix the issue.

Error authenticating user

There was an error during authentication. Please refresh to try again. If this issue persists, please sign out and sign back in after reloading.

You're currently offline

Refresh the page when your connection is restored to return to the app.